
The funniest blog you've read in the last five minutes!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Google does not like that I have blogged about my cats being slightly neglected. Google has sent me a friendly suggestion through the sidebar of links on the right hand side of the screen. It was an ad for a link that said: "Keep your cats happy: More cats means more responsibility. Learn how to keep them happy and healthy." Oh google ads, you naively thought that it was just out of ignorance that my cats were not happy and healthy. Shame on you for preaching morality to me google ads. Except, that I guess you know me pretty well because the title of another ad was "It's all about you" and that's pretty much true. There was also an ad for hello kitty underwear, but that is neither here nor there. Now, I know that after reading this you're all going to glance over at the right hand side of the links to see what's there. So, if you see anything particularly ironic or telling, post a little paragraph about it in the comments section.

They grow up so quickly... Just today, when I mentioned changing the diaper of my 18 month old son he dutifully pulled out a diaper and laid on the ground. I changed his diaper, he stood up, and I handed the old one to him, and said, "go throw this away." He quickly took it, and walked with determined purpose out of the room. I have to admit I was pretty proud of my son, and the way that he has begun to understand so many new things, and even help me out. It was a wonderful feeling, until about two minutes later, when I heard the toilet lid shut.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

If I were the kind of person that should own animals. You know the kind of person, they are nurturing, and sweetish, and they don't mind when the animals ask for food or water, cleanliness or attention. If I were one of those kind of people I would have two birds; specifically, I would have two rose bourke parakeets. They would be my love birds, they would be mostly decorative, they would live in a beautiful white victorian birdhouse, and there names would be "pretty" and "pretty princess," and I would have a bazillion dollars and hire someone to give them food, water, cleanliness, and attention, because let's face it, there does not even exist a parallel universe in which I am the kind of person that should own animals. I had Erica draw me a picture of pretty, and pretty princess, and I had Ryan sing me a song, while he was at work, in front of his co-workers and boss, about pretty and pretty princess. I don't remember the song, but that is the picture.

So if anyone reading this would like to trade two rose bourke parakeets for two very sweet, and semi-neglected cats (because afterall, I'm not that kind of person.) Or if you just want two cats, you should post a comment right away. I'd even let you have the cats if you were a crazy cat lady who had six already, in fact I'd especially let you have the cats then.

P.S. There was brief talk, if I ever had twins of naming them pretty and pretty princess, but then pretty would always be super jealous of pretty princess. Plus if I have quadruplets I have already vowed to names them serenity, divinity, tranquility, and sissy pink, and there are only so many commitments you can make about the names of your fictitious multiple birth babies.

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