
The funniest blog you've read in the last five minutes!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

My husband just informed me that he doesn't like to hang things up. Today I found a great number of his clothes draped over doors, the bathroom towel bar, etc. I guess this is a slight step up from the clothes being draped on the floor.

However, since we recently took ten loads of laundry to the laundrymat just to get caught up, I'm slightly annoyed with the fact that his dirty clothes are placed neither in the dirty clothes bag, nor hung back up. I have no idea whether he wants his clothes laundered, or if he simply likes the way they add decoratively to the home.

He tells me that if he only wore something once and he will wear it again that he doesn't want to have it washed, but he also doesn't want to hang it back up because it has been worn. He also told me that his clothes "don't hang well." Whatever that is supposed to mean. He said women's clothes were designed to hang, but men's clothes were not and that he simply doesn't like to hang things up, "it's hard." I told him that I know for a fact that his clothes hang just fine, as I have hung all of his clothes up for him on a fairly regular basis.

I guess this is what I get for waiting almost three years into our marriage to try to create an ordered home with systems of doing things. However, I really thought the "laundry system" would be a simple beginning for both of us. I guess I was wrong. It looks like I have my work cut out for me!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

When food cravings go bad:

So, the other night at about 11:00 I really wanted a pecan waffle. I thought about making one myself, but then remembered about our 24 hour waffle house! After some gentle cajoling, and probably due to the fact that I've never made ryan take me anywhere strange due to food cravings before, Ryan gave in and we walked into the waffle house.

Ryan insisted we sit up on the counter next to a man who was drunk and rambling. Ryan answered all his questions, including, "How'd you get a girlfriend like that?" I ordered a pecan waffle with strawberries and whip cream, also a side of hashbrowns that were slightly sub-par. I made Ryan order a half-lemonade half-orange juice concoction. I drank half of it.

Random drunk guy started talking about being a Christian soldier, but then told us how no religion was wrong, and then started making some lewd and racist comments about Michael Jackson. Ryan asked the man to stop, he eventually did, and the manager offered us a free slice of pie, which I didn't take. Man, that waffle was delicious! I'll have to try to convince Ryan that we should go back!

Friday, March 18, 2005

Have you ever had one of those moments when you stop and think, "This is it, this is what I was created to do." I have. No, it wasn't when I discovered I was pregnant. It was twenty minutes ago when my husband gave me a reason to be.

I was asking him what things he would like me to buy at the grocery store, as I realized that for him, food just magically appears in our home, and he never really has any input into what is available to eat, it's kind of like he's 4 years old. So, I asked what kind of things he would like me to buy more often, so it would be more like he was 8 years old, you know?

In the course of our conversation he said... "Good salsa" to which I replied, "What brand?" and he said, "I don't know, I just know not pace." So, I said "Well I try different brands but I've never found one that you just loved." And in his reply came my epiphany, "Well that is your mission."

Yep, ladies and gentlemen, I now have a purpose, my purpose in my life is to try to buy really good salsa that my husband will love. That's it, when it has been accomplished I can die a satisfied woman. Thanks love.

Just in case you're curious, the other things my husband wishes were in stock at home more often are: trail mix, taquitos, chicken wings, "ice cream with that candy shell stuff," "and green chile for burrito night." Do you start to get the impression that maybe I don't feed my husband very nutritiously?

As a final side note, because this is too cute not to blog he just said to me...
"You know what will be fun??? Burrito night with the kids in five years, and french bread pizza night, and talking to them about their day, and juice boxes, and guilty chocolate covered faces with crumbs on the shirt and horsey rides in the living room."

(I know what you're thinking, and yes, most of our future dreams and goals do include food items.)

All kidding aside, yes Ryan, that will be fun. I can't wait.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

My mother calls me, a lot. Everyone agrees. We don't typically talk about anything substantial. Usually she calls to tell me about some sale she heard of, or to ask how I liked some tv show. Today she called me for answers to her crossword puzzle. For the past few years she's been hooked on the local newspaper's crossword puzzle. So I took about twenty minutes from my day to discover the three word answer to "dhl's rival" and the answer to "the whale constellation." Not that this was any real inconvenience to me, as I'm just waiting for a Fed-Ex delivery.

Anyway, one day maybe I'll start recording all of my conversations with my mother and put out a book that would definitely infringe on the copywrite of the book Amy's Answering Machine: http://www.sendamy.com/book.htm Although instead of crazy, obvious advice from my mother, my book would be full of irrelevant musings, thoughts, and conversations that typically go nowhere. Not that I don't enjoy them, I do, it's kind of a window into my own soul. The other key difference would be that my book would not contain a single answering machine message. My mother never leaves answering machine messages, instead her method is, call Amy at home, if there is no answer, call Amy at home again, if there is still no answer, call Amy's cell phone, if there is still no answer call her husband Ryan's cell phone, if there is still no answer systematically start calling the cell phones of all of her friends (these are stored in her phone for the sake of convenience.) Messages, honestly, are just inefficient. After all of this tracking down when she finally gets a hold of me she says something like, "What did you have for dinner last night?" or "I bought a really great ring from ACN, you should come see it."

I'll try to keep track of what we talk about more often, as an experiment, just to find out if it's funny. Anyway, the answer to the first one was UPS the second is Cetus. If anyone knows a four letter word that ends in m that could be a "bibliography word" post it in my comments and I'll be sure to call my mom at work and let her know.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

So, the last few days I've been reading more and more blogs. I'm not really sure why. Maybe because it's kind of like spying. You get to know what someone else is doing, and sometimes even thinking (there's the real jackpot) without having to have any personal interaction with them whatsoever. I like that.

Anyway, for whatever reason, this reading of blogs has created within me a desire to actually write something on my long neglected blog. So I am. I don't think I'll tell anyone I've posted though. Usually I tell people because honestly, no one in their right mind would continue to check my blog after months of inactivity. I wish I could get an mps of crickets chirping and just play that on my site...that would be cool.

So, one of the blogs I'm reading now is a person who just blogs about their day for the most part, not every post, but a lot of them, and manages to post several times a day. I guess this solves my common problem of, what on earth do I have to blog about. So, I'm going to blog about my day so far. (This will be super funny, because even if you know me, you might be surprised how little I do in a day.)

*I woke up to my husband's alarm going off, hit him and told him to turn it off. (Repeat four times.)

*I woke up again about thirty minutes after the alarm had stopped going off, realizing that the alarm would no longer be going off, but he was clearly not out of bed still. I decided to wake him up by asking him about doulas and whether or not he really wanted to be my birthing coach. He said yes. I asked why, he said it would be fun. I asked him what he would do, he said he'd tell me "Breathe like this hee hee whoo" I told him that I'd say "I'm not going to breathe in that stupid way anymore it's annoying" He said that he'd say "Quit crying and just keep pushing." I told him that I'd say, "You have no idea what I'm feeling right now!" and he said he'd say "I don't care, you're not getting an epidural." I told him that I'd say, "Then I quit, I'm not going to push or do anything, I'm just going to lay here." (He knows I'd do that too.) Then he said, "You know you'd just implode, plus would you love your baby as much if it came out retarded from an epidural." Yes, this is the conversation my husband awoke to.

*He got up to go to work, I called his name several times and asked annoying questions like, "Do you miss me? You should just stay here then." etc.

*He left for work around 9 am, I went back to sleep and woke up at 12:12. That was a very nice time to wake up, I haven't slept quite that late for some time.

*I read my bible and did some knitting.

*I called Ryan to brag about sleeping until 12:12

*I played alien scum on my cell phone while watching a re-run of Live Like a Star. (I'd slept through my other tv favorites...the price is right and design invasion.)

*I made a bowl of spaghettios and a delicious concoction of orange juice and ginger ale.

*I watched my cat lick up the sauce left on the side of the can, then I decided he could cut up his tongue that way and threw the can away. I looked at the butter sitting out on the counter and decided it looked suspiciously as if it had been thoroughly licked by my cats. I covered it and made a mental note to not use that stick of butter until Ryan had used it first.

*I contemplated which hamburger helper meal to make for dinner, (Ryan hates hamburger helper) I decided on enchilada since he super hates stroganoff, then I pondered the possibility of making it with chicken instead of hamburger. Then I remembered we have leadership for church tonight and typically just eat snacks there for dinner. I left both boxes out to remind me of what I will make for dinner tomorrow.

*I started to eat my spaghettios and heard my phone ring upstairs, it had rung several times while I was sleeping in so I took my spaghettios and delicious orange juice and ginger-ale concoction upstairs. I missed the call, but saw that it was my mother and that she had also called at 10:15 and 11:09 that morning. I called her back. She asked me to check on the going rate of rubellite tourmaline on ebay. As she has some she bought on ACN that she will either return or sell on ebay. (My mother, for those of you who don't already know, has a great passion for buying jewelry from ACN, admiring it for a few days, and then returning it.)

*I hung up with her and checked the price on ebay, while I was online I rated all of the contestants of America's Next Top Model, through AOL IM, I gave no one higher than a 7. The average score I gave out was a 3.5

*My cell phone rang downstairs, I ignored it.

*I called my mom back and told her just to return her gemstones, the going rate wasn't worth her trouble.

*I spilled a little of my delicious orange juice ginger-ale concoction on my keyboard. (Don't worry Ryan it was just a couple drops, but one of the drops was clinging to the side of a key.) I cleaned it up with the sleeve of my shirt but couldn't get all of it, I got a piece of toilet paper and slit it down into the crevice between the lower row of letters and the space bar, it came up with a little wet spot so I must have go it. I repeated the process with the other side and it came up dry, so it must have worked.

*I finished my spaghettios and went downstairs to see who had called me. It was a text message that said page: ***-****. But instead of stars there were numbers there. I asked Ryan over IM whether I should call it, he said, "Sure, find out who it is."

*I called the number, a man with a deep, professional sounding voice answered. I said," Umm, sorry, I just got a text message telling me to call this number." He replied, "Is this Amy?" I said, "yes." He said, "Where have you been?" I laughed nervously, because I had no idea who it was, he then said he'd left me about four messages and explained that he worked for a company that hires me to video tape training for them sometimes, they have a seven hour job for me next week. He asked me how much it would cost, he sounded nervous, so I told him that I normally charge them $200 an hour, but that since it was such an extended job, I'd just charge $100 an hour, this was probably a mistake, but I would have felt bad charging them $1200. We arranged all the details.

*I imed Ryan and tried to convince him to just film it for me, as I feel that I am too pregnant to carry around all that equipment for 7 hours. He said he has an all day meeting. :(

*Oh, that just reminds me that I left out an important part of my day, before I checked the ebay thing for my mom, I checked my email, and found a contest for survivor where you recreate your favorite survivor moment on vhs or dvd, I tried to convince Ryan that we should do this, and that he could play richard hatch on his birthday, filmed artistically of course, and we'd do all kinds of horrified reaction shots. His reply to me was that we would not get "nekkid" on the internet (This is where the videos are played once they're sent in.) Then I asked him how badly he wanted to win a flat-screen tv, and he admitted that he wanted one pretty badly. So, I'll continue the negotiations with him tonight.

*Then my brother called, he said he won $200 playing cards with a manager type at work last night. I was proud. I should get the number of this manager type, if my brother could win $200 off him,I bet I could win $1000. If you don't believe me, you should ask for details about my latest hold-em tournament. (Although I think they were playing black jack, but oh well, it's all the same kinda.) Oh yeah, and I also agreed to watch his kids while he goes to a doctor's appointment tomorrow, the appointment starts at 9 something, so I guess I'll be getting up early, I told him I'd maybe do laundry at his house while I watched his kids, but now I feel kind of bad because I'm sure they'd much rather I take them to the story time at the library, we'll see how selfish I'm feeling tomorrow.

*Then I got a call from Christina, we talked about our women's prayer night, we each go to a different place but basically do the same thing, and re-cap the next day. I also told her about the Montel show that was playing while she was on the phone with me. It was about a very pretty girl, and her very pretty boyfriend, who were sleeping, i.e. in sin, and in the apartment next door a drunk guy decided to clean his gun, and it accidentally fired a bullet which hit her and paralyzed her, the boyfriend married her later, despite her paralysis. Then they had the guy who "shot" her come on, they all hang out, and she calls him to help her run errands and to yell at him if she's ever angry etc. It was bizarre, they all said it helped with the healing. Mental side note: I wonder if she'd been a really ugly girl if the guy would still come over all the time to help her with stuff. Then, heading into a commercial break it said their next segment would be of a mother whose daughter climbed into the washing machine and drowned. I warned Christina never to get a front-loading washing machine, even though they were super cool, because there was a slight possibility that one day a small child could climb into it and drown. To bring the paralysis story full circle, she then told me she had to park and go get a hat that had fallen into the street that belonged to some guy in a wheel chair, I listened as she did this, I also listened as she said, "Sir, umm I'm sorry, I mean maam, is this your hat, it was in the street." I thought that was nice of her, even if she did insult the poor person by referring to her as a him.

*I came back upstairs and started playing solitaire, vegas style, one card at a time, to prepare for my gambling days... I switched to spider solitaire for a while, but I've over-played that lately (i.e. sometime playing for several hours a day) so I switched back to Vegas style solitaire and looked over some blogs. I decided to post in my blog and have been doing that, and occasionally pausing to play another game of solitaire, as it appears I may have adult onset adhd, right now I'm up $7 which is pretty good since the game is cumulative and I've probably played more than 10 hands so far today.

* I'm thinking of playing about six more hands of solitaire, putting in my contacts, and possibly putting on a bra, and then getting in my one hour of cleaning, so I can justify my days activities to my husbands; however, this is all bordering on fortune telling, since these are all future activities so I'd better stop right here.

And that's what my blog would be like if I just posted my daily activities. Now do you feel I'm justified in rarely to never updating my blog? Have grace people, and I'll have grace on you and promise to never, never recount every aspect of my day in blog form ever, ever again!

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