Friday, November 19, 2004
I'm succumbing to peer pressure. I hate that. See Ryan said..."you should update your blog." To which I replied, "I'm a super star." (You see we were having a conversation on instant messenger, so my comment about being a super star, which is true, was in response to something totally different, you know how that goes.)
Then, Ryan chose to up the peer pressure by comparing me negatively to others, kind of like when people say, all the cool kids are over-dosing on heroin. Then, honestly what choice do you have, really? His exact words were... "erica's is particularly poingeignt" This statement immediately sparked two responses in me, the first was 'My goodness, my husband really can't spell. Seriously that's about as bad of a butchering of the word poignant I've ever seen....I mean sure poignant isn't exactly phonetic but poingeignt...there are several problems with that...the i before e rule to start with, and secondly we live in America where geignt should never be pronounced yent. I might have been more impressed if he hadn't tried to be so high fallutin' about it and just spelled it, poinyent.....sure it would look retarded but at least it wouldn't look pretentious. (Note to self, be sure to spell check this entry before posting it so as not to reveal my true, hypocritical, nature.)
Anyway, my second response was, Ryan reads my friend Erica's blog? Seriously, who still reads blogs anymore, they're very out, if they were ever really in. Honestly, when I quit updating that was supposed to be a signal to the world to give up on their eerie fascination with blogs.
Now, if I want to be "cool," like "Erica," I'll have to re-build a fan-base from nothing, as I'm sure after months and months of silence my current fan-base has dwindled away to nothing, if any of you do still check this blog on a regular basis, comment about it, maybe I'll send you a sticker or something, and in the meantime, I'll know who is truly committed. (Take that to mean what you will.)
Anyway my next comment was (because you really can't resist peer pressure kids, and probably shouldn't even if it were possible) "what should I talk about...ahh the phone.." To which Ryan responds "again?" and my thought was, yes, pretentious jerk, it's ok to re-use your best material, comedians do it all the time... for instance, take this whole blog about not-blogging...haven't I blogged about not blogging at least six times? Now maybe I'm not "poingeignt" (as I'm honestly not sure what characteristics that fictitious word implies.) But it is certainly poignant to repeat stories about doing nothing (i.e. not updating my blog) or not taking care of things (i.e. my phone) as most of us can relate to these activities.
Anyway, the phone stopped buzzing, but now makes funny clicking and dialing noises, I'm sure because of DSL, which is useless because every time I get on the phone it kicks me off the internet, thereby making null one of the only truly valuable assets of dsl, this has been going on for at least six months, so I'm over it, but the new annoyance is that my phone's display is starting to wear out so when I'm looking at the caller id feature, one of the only truly valuable assets of this phone, I'll get every number in the phone number except for one. This one... 55_-5555. Now in this case it wouldn't be a problem because just looking at it everyone would know that the missing number is three. But, what if it were a random sequence of numbers like... 41_-3871, well then your guess is as good as mine. Sometimes I've just started calling, substituting the number in one at a time. Sure I get nine wrong numbers as a response, but one out of ten correct isn't that bad.
But today while trying to figure out the mysterious missing number I came across a neat little trick which will enable me to go on not taking care of my phone for many months to come. Earlier in my im conversation I described my revelation to Ryan this way… Me: “I found it.... 980” Ryan: “thank you” Me: “I just had to program it into our phone book...then it displayed the number in a different area on the proud of me are you? Ryan: “impressive” Me: “Thanks…”
Ryan: “You should update your blog.” Me: “I’m a superstar.” (see the world has come full circle and all is complete and serene…but I’ll go on because apparently he’s added to this conversation…) Ryan… “Erica’s is particularly poingeignt” Me: What should I talk about….ahh the phone..” Ryan: “again?” Ryan: “We should cancel dsl” Ryan: “And our home phone” Ryan: “And get cable” Ryan “eh?”
I never responded to his "eh" as I only just now saw it, and the phone rang which kicked me offline anyway. I’m now typing this in microsoft word, which is nice because it has a spell checker which alerted me to the fact that, although I had indeed spelled the word poignant correctly, (major bullet dodged there) I had indeed misspelled phonetic which would have been quite embarrassing. Now I don’t know how I misspelled it because honestly what other way is there to spell it? I should ask Ryan, I’m sure he’d come up with something quite creative, pretentious, and wrong. Anyway, now I’m off to read Erica’s blog…because I guess she’s better than me…and poingeignt to boot!”