
The funniest blog you've read in the last five minutes!

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Hi everyone. I know, I know it's been awhile, but really not that long since I did actually post at least once in January, a slight improvement to my no postings in December. In fact, I guarantee that I will post at least twice in February...possibly even three times, because I have some great new photos to add to an old blog entry, so that will count as half an entry, then there's tonight's entry, and I'm planning a great Valentine's Day centered blog entry broadcast to you straight from the Sweetheart City, here in good old Loveland so two and a half? Who could possibly be displeased with that!

Today's blog entry is a contest. See I have this new scanner, but it happens to be a scanner/copier/faxer/printer. So it's kind of crummy at all it's tasks, you know like the federal government and how they have so many roles that they just do kind of a mediocre job at all of them but for an inflated cost compared to just hiring other agencies to do a superior job at each individual task, ahh but I digress. Anyway, my scanner, scanned in this photo way too dark...it was initially a photo of me upside-down in the grass, but now the grass is just black space, which my hair fades into making me look virtually hairless. So, Ryan and I tried to use photoshop to see what I would look like bald, but we were bad at it, and never got a good digital representation of baldness. So, now it's a contest, take this image and alter it in photoshop. Make me bald, or give me a bright pink mohawk with a scary nose ring, or give me curly blonde hair. Umm, but let's stick to altering my face, alright ya perverts? People who send me cool images will have them posted online. You know you'd rather do this than work right? Send it to your friends who are photo-shop geeks, they'll have a blast. Happy time-wasting!

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